Nonsense Love

Sku: 16697

Nonsense Love

Sku: 16697
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How do we play? First, you choose a secret word. Another player then gives you a situation. You then have a minute to tell the rest of the story while subtly placing your secret word and blurring the tracks so that other players don't guess it. The DUO rule allows you to interact with another player of your choice based on appropriate situations.

Some examples of situation, "tired of cleaning the cat's bin, you decide to go on sex strike." with DUO situations for example: "your colleague catches you pants down sitting on the photocopier, you argue". One plays the colleague and the other the one sitting on the photocopier, the goal is then to play together and place each his secret word in a dialogue. Players will then have two words to find.

Top, here we go! The game is not only a language game, but also a listening game because players who find the secret word earn points. You earn double the points when none of the participants have found your word.